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Certified Functional Strength Master Trainer

starting at €1.790,- | Online Course

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Certified Functional Strength Master Trainer

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Coaching athletes at a high level: our functional trainer program!

Discover the fascination of Functional Training, a proven and dynamic training method that goes far beyond a passing trend. With us, you have the opportunity to prepare intensively for this exciting and versatile form of fitness training.

Our training enables you to fully utilize the potential of Functional Training. From utilizing bodyweight to skillfully applying various functional tools such as kettlebells, sandbags, and the TRX band - we show you how you and your clients can get the most out of every training session, whether its in the form of circuit training or other innovative formats.

The versatility of this training approach allows you to create real value for both yourself as a trainer and for your clients. You will be prepared to strengthen muscles, train across muscle groups and joints, and use effective methods that are challenging even for advanced athletes. Through skillful integration of functional strength and endurance training, you will achieve optimal results for performance enhancement.

Start your journey to becoming a Functional Strength Master Trainer today and enhance your knowledge in the fitness industry by combining it with other courses, such as the Diploma Fitness Trainer, the Personal Trainer, or Nutrition Trainer, to be well-prepared.

Factsheet on the course


Extent of learning

762 E


EQF level

The training is based on EQF level 4 »


Course start

Possible immediately


Education costs

starting at €1.790,-


Learning variant

Online Courses

Weitere Available

Course Modalities




Everything at a glance!

Certified Functional Strength Master Trainer

Functional Trainer - Become an Expert in Kettlebell, Wildrope & More

What Does "Functional Training" Actually Mean?

In functional training, unlike traditional strength training, individual muscles arent isolated; instead, multiple muscle groups are engaged to train the entire body as a unit. The goals are to develop movement patterns relevant to daily life, enhance performance with sport-specific exercises, and train the injury resistance of the musculoskeletal system.

What to Expect in Our Program?

Functional training mostly avoids traditional strength training equipment. Instead, emphasis is placed on exercising with bodyweight, often on unstable surfaces. However, the use of functional equipment such as kettlebells, battle ropes, etc., is highly valued. Mobility, stability, and speed are important focuses in functional training.

Participation Requirements

  • Online or written registration
  • Basic physical fitness (Experience in machine training or gym membership is advantageous)
  • Minimum age of 18 years (For participants under 18 years of age, written parental consent is required for registration)

Certificate of Completion

Our certificates are internationally recognized and are issued in various formats. You can receive our certificate in multiple languages (DE, EN, ES), with country-specific information, and with or without grading.

All these options are available for online download free of charge. Additionally, depending on the learning package youve chosen, youll receive a certificate of your choice printed on special paper with embossed printing.

The following certificate (in multiple languages DE, EN, ES) is awarded:

Austrian Flag Swiss Flag Italian Flag
"Dipl. Functional Strength Master Trainer"

German Flag Lichtenstein Flag Swedish Flag
"Functional Strength Master Trainer A-Lizenz"

Have Specific Questions about the Program?

Were pleased to assist you via contact by phone, email, or chat. You might also find the answer to your question in our general FAQ or Functional Master Trainer FAQ.

Structure & Duration - This is how your training is organized

The training consists of two modules

You can find the list of modules and subjects by clicking on the "Curriculum" tab.

Duration of the training

Since our trainings can be highly flexible, the duration of the training heavily depends on your own learning initiative, weekly time commitment, and existing knowledge. Depending on how much time you can invest and how quickly you absorb the required knowledge, its possible to complete the training more quickly.

You set the pace in online distance courses

Learn at your own pace, whenever and wherever you want. The academy account accompanies you on computer, tablet, or smartphone and includes everything you need for the training.

You decide how to learn

You have access to a variety of full HD instructional videos in which our top lecturers impart the training content to you. Additionally, you can review the content in our scripts and presentations.

Video lessons with certified instructors

Our distance courses prepare you optimally for implementation in practice. The included discussions with experts also offer you the opportunity to exchange ideas with our subject matter experts and deepen topics.

No pain, no gain (or certificate)

On your way to certification, you will work through various mandatory and additional tasks. These may include keeping a training log or filming exercises to put what youve learned into practice.

Last but not least... Examinations

There are plenty of multiple-choice online exams to assess your knowledge level. Before each exam, you can take a practice test to be optimally prepared. Additionally, there is a practical final exam. Just like the distance learning motto, this can be taken online via video call!


Detailed Course Contents

Extent of learning

762 E | Volume



Sports expertise



eLearning | Presence



Literature research



Practical realization



Additional tasks & examinations

This training is suitable for educational leave. The individual examination and approval are subject to the respective funding agency. For more information about the duration & process of educational leave, please feel free to contact us directly!

Module Fitness Fundamentals Module


We educate the best trainers in the fitness branch. From start to finish of the education - and beyond!- we support and guide our students.

Functional anatomy is a foundation necessary for all trainers in exercise, fitness and sports. This subject provides a comprehensive introduction to the anatomy of the human body and a wellspring of important knowledge.

The course is constructed to present the information in an interesting and comprehensible manner and features different learning approaches appropriate for Fitness and Personal Trainers.
The goal is, to understand the relationship between movement patterns, the human body and relevant anatomical terminology.

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Basic Nutrition
Our participants are introduced to the basics of sports nutrition.

As a foundation the composition of general nutrition including macro and micro nutrients, as well as the water balance, are discussed. In order to understand various correlations, the energy metabolism are explained in detail.

In addition, the effects of individual food components in the human body, as well as their importance in sports are covered.
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Intro to Corporate Wellness Programs

More and more companies are integrating Corporate Wellness and similar health initiatives into their employee benefits packages. By doing so they promote the health and well-being of their employees, reducing the incidence of sick-leave and building healthier, stronger team dynamics.

Exactly why such initiatives are important is discussed in this introduction to the concept, as well as challenges that such initiatives face including organisational dysfunction.

Participants also learn about the advantages of corporate wellness and some trusted approaches and tools for finding and working with a company.

We offer suggestions on how to approach companies about Corporate Wellness, how to develop a corporate wellness concept and important organisational points to consider.
Participants will be exposed to some practical examples and will have the possiblity to perform group work on the topic.

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Marketing & Customer Interaction

The unit on Marketing and Customer Interaction gives participants some insight into identifying, working with and marketing to their ideal customer. This is one of the most useful units for the aspiring trainer, as it helps them identify their place in the market, which makes for a more successful career start.

We begin by taking a look at Marketing itself to understand exactly what it is and of what relevance it has for personal trainers.
Important basic concepts such as USP, positioning, target market, etc. are introduced and different models from marketing such as the SMART Formula, marketing mix (7Ps) and more are explained.

The communication between trainer and client is also addressed in this unit. Various aspects of communication theory and some guidelines for successful communication are covered.

Upon completion of this subject, participants are able to develop marketing strategies for their product and/or services, ready to position themselves in a market rich in variety and full of possibility!

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A working understanding of human physiology and therefore the relationships between the various functions of the human body is crucial for anyone working in the exercise and fitness field. It is a requisite knowledge for the sufficient practice of their profession.

This course makes the relationships within the human organism graspable for everyone. Take a deep-dive into the human body and learn the functions of our organism for your new profession in fitness.

In this subject you will get a close look at energy metabolism needed for muscle activation, the circulatory system and the pulmonary system.

Any high quality education in fitness and exercise begins with the foundations of anatomy and physiology.

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Sports Psychology - Communication & Motivation

In this unit participants are prepared for successful communication with their clients on every level. In addition, we take a look at how the trainer or coach can go about dealing with their own goals and motives, which will in turn help them better understand their clients.

The right goal-setting and the proper approach to feedback are an important parts of this unit.

The way we manage stress as trainers and with our clients and a variety of learning strategies are explored so these skills can be integrated into your professional approach.


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Sports Injuries
Since injuries are a daily occurrence in sports, it is important to know about the causes and consequences of the most common injuries. In case of an emergency the personal trainer must be able to react quickly and correctly.

In addition, the understanding of various injury patterns helps to be able to avoid them from happening.
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Training Theory Basics

In this introduction to training theory we look at the foundations of training plan creation and management, including the principles of training, training methodology and factors that influence sports performance.
Because performance capacity, performance diagnostics, training and competition are so interrelated, they are covered together in this unit.

The second half of this unit Im zweiten Teil der Trainingslehre wird das Training als komplexer Handlungsprozess und im Zusammenhang mit Planung, Ausführung und Evaluation definiert und bewertet.
Ein wichtiger Teil der Trainingslehre ist nach wie vor die Trainingsplangestaltung, die mit Beispielen über die Möglichkeiten einer Trainingsplangestaltung praktisch vermittelt werden.

Um das Thema der Trainingswissenschaft zu vertiefen, laden wir regelmäßig internationale Top-Dozenten wie Univ. Prof. Dr. Paul Haber und Prof.em. Dr.phil. Dr. hc Jürgen Weineck zu uns in die Academy ein.

Unter anderem sind sie für die Bücher "Optimales Training" (Jürgen Weineck) und "Leistungsphysiologie" (Paul Haber) in der Trainingswissenschaft bekannt.

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Module Certified Functional Strength Master Trainer

Bodyweight Training

The unit Bodyweight Training is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part.

In the theoretical part, participants learn about core stability and spinal alignment, in order to practice and convey the correct, health-promoting, and joint-friendly posture in practice.

The importance of the spine and correct posture is highlighted in this context, with emphasis on the consequences that can arise from incorrect spinal alignment.

Furthermore, participants learn about the movement patterns of the arms and legs, including specialized terms such as flexion, extension, and others. Guidance on how to communicate such movement patterns with clients is also provided.

The practical part of this unit consists of exercises for the core, legs, and upper body. This includes exercises such as the Dead Bug, squats, lunges, pull-ups, and push-ups. For all these exercises, particular attention is paid to the starting position, correct execution, and variations, with tips and safety instructions provided for each.

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Introduction to Weightlifting

The unit Introduction to Olympic Weightlifting is divided into a theoretical and a practical part.

In the theoretical part, participants learn about the individual disciplines (Snatch and Clean and Jerk) of Olympic weightlifting and conduct a detailed competition analysis. This includes not only competition regulations and training and competition equipment but also the analysis and detailed examination of the complex movement sequences in the Clean and Jerk (Jerking) and Snatch (Snatching). These explosively powerful movements are broken down into individual movement phases, and the working of different muscles is examined to understand the physically and coordinatively demanding sequence. Subsequently, participants learn about the methodical exercise setup from the overhead squat to the Snatch or from the front squat to the Clean and Jerk.

In the practical part, warming up begins with a focus on specific flexibility and activation of the fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are essential for Olympic weightlifting. After a perfect warm-up, the goal is to slowly learn the basics of the technique of Cleans and Jerks through some preliminary exercises. Finally, a video analysis of exercise execution is conducted, assessing the force curve and addressing common mistakes in Snatching and Jerking.

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Eccentric Strength Training

The unit on eccentric strength training is highly practical-oriented. In a short introductory theoretical part, we discuss the eccentric functioning of muscles and their characteristics or differences compared to concentric and isometric functioning. Eccentric training can be conducted in various ways depending on the training goal. For example, specifically slowly performed eccentric phases in strength exercises in bodybuilding, aimed at increasing muscle mass, are very popular (see HIT-Training unit). However, eccentric training is also used to improve explosive strength, in injury prevention, and in the rehabilitation of tendon injuries.

In this unit, however, eccentric maximal strength training takes center stage. This is a specific training method with supramaximal loads (>1 repetition maximum) for very advanced athletes. Since fewer motor units are involved in an eccentric contraction (due to the passive resistance of the cross-bridges), more mechanical load is placed on the activated motor units in an eccentric contraction.

As a result, eccentric training can generate up to 1.3 times more tension than concentric training, thus providing a higher stimulus to muscle fibers. Eccentric strength training is therefore one of the best methods for increasing strength levels in elite athletes.

In the practical part, the main focus is on eccentric training in basic exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses, with the implementation explained and practiced in detail. Additionally, instructions are provided on how to specifically prepare and gradually introduce an athlete to eccentric maximal strength training.
Thus, our graduates are familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of eccentric strength training and, most importantly, how and with which target groups it can be effectively used.


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Functional Equipment Training

In Functional Training, there is a wide variety of equipment that can be used in a very versatile manner. The choice of equipment is fundamentally based on the clients goals. Therefore, in this unit, participants learn about a large part of the functional equipment and various exercises associated with it, aiming to quickly guide the client to their goal and to implement the right measures through a solid understanding of the equipment.

Ultimate Sandbag
Ultimate Sandbags have many advantages, which will be demonstrated to the participants. They will also be shown the weight and size basics of the Ultimate Sandbag.
Furthermore, participants will learn basic exercises such as Single Leg Deadlifts, Swinging Lunges, Halos, Squat to Push Press, and many more, with indications of the main sources of errors and variations. To enhance understanding, the exercises are supplemented with images.

Wild/Battle Rope
Wild or Battle Ropes have a very wide range of applications, and the training with them has many benefits, which will be demonstrated in this unit.
Basic exercises like Circle, Double Gun, Waves, Flys, Flying 8, etc., with indications of potential sources of errors and variations, will be learned and illustrated with images.

Slam Ball
In Functional Training, the Slam Ball is also a popular piece of equipment due to its many practical advantages.
Participants will gain knowledge about basic exercises such as Squat Throw, Russian Twists, and Low Swinging Throw. In this context, sources of errors and variations will be highlighted.

Suspension Trainer
Participants will also learn basic exercises using the popular Suspension Trainer, both with evenly clipped resistance cables and with unbalanced resistance. These exercises include High Rows, Chest Press, Squats, Sit-Ups, Crab Walks, Slap Shots, and others. Sources of errors, variations, and options for increasing the difficulty of the exercise will be discussed.

The benefits of training with the Equalizer and basic exercises will be covered in this unit. Basic exercises include Knee Lifts or Single Knee Lifts, the L-Sit, Single Leg Lunges, and many others. These will also be presented with variations and main sources of errors, supplemented with images.


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Functional Mobility

Functional Mobility forms the basis for moving freely and unhindered, as well as the foundation for functional strength.

In the Functional Mobility unit, participants learn about the differences between traditional flexibility training and functional mobility training and how these can be combined and applied to benefit clients. Our body must be viewed as a three-dimensional system in which everything is interconnected. We adopt this holistic approach in Functional Mobility Training. This means that in mobility, far more factors than just muscle flexibility are crucial. Body awareness, or the entire sensorimotor system, also plays a significant role in movement quality.

In the practical part, various static and dynamic stretching methods, fascia training, and mobility exercises are introduced and performed. The main focus is on the correct approach and practical application of fascia training techniques. Another focus is the dynamic stretching method PNF stretching, which improves both flexibility and strength in the end ranges of motion.

Overall, participants gain the ability to improve movement range and movement quality through various measures and incorporate them into movement patterns in the long term.

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Functional strength exercises

In this unit, participants first receive a theoretical introduction to functional strength training and learn what is meant by functional strength.

They learn about the equipment commonly used in functional training and basic movement patterns such as pulling, pushing, lifting, etc. The interdisciplinary nature of functional training is highlighted, along with how to correctly assess maximal strength. The importance of knowing these concepts is also explained. The most important exercises are then explained individually.

Bench Press
At the outset, participants identify which muscles do the majority of the work and which stabilizers are involved in bench pressing. They learn the technique, correct grip, and in this context, the term "Suicide grip," as well as the proper positioning of elbows, shoulders, upper back, and foot placement. Attention is also given to breathing. Additionally, the concept of Touch and Go Reps and Assistance Work in relation to bench pressing, along with its variations, is explained.

In rowing, the primary movers, i.e., the muscles doing the main work, and the stabilizers are introduced, and the correct execution of the movement, including notes on grip width, is illustrated. Variations of rowing are also discussed.

The introduction to deadlifts covers the mechanical basics such as stability and load. The hip and knee extensors, as well as muscles contributing to the stabilization of the spine and shoulder blades, are discussed and depicted. The starting position and other important aspects before the lift-off are explained. The movement execution is discussed in detail, with common errors highlighted, along with explanations on how to avoid them. Participants compare the heaviest deadlifts and learn about deadlift variations and assistance work.


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Functional training basics and rules

Introduction to this topic begins with a general definition of what functional training means, what qualifies as "functional," and what distinguishes this type of training. The various movement planes as well as muscles, fascia, and chains are explained. The unit is then divided into Sensory-Motor Training, Strength Training, Functional Strength Training, and Dynamic Core and Supportive Strength Training.

Sensory-Motor Training
Participants learn what sensory-motor training is and receive an explanation of local stabilizers and global muscle structures. There is also a muscle classification. The goals of sensory-motor training are explained, and the training intensity of such training is determined. After this unit, participants should be familiar with the terms closed and open kinematic chains.

Strength Training
An explanation of what strength training is as a means of increasing basic strength and its goals is provided. Particularly, the term ROM and the training principles of ROM training, as well as its importance for various tissues, joints, cartilage structures, and muscles, are given special attention in this part of the unit. Additionally, participants learn about load norms and improving flexibility through strength training.

Functional Strength Training
Fundamentals and principles of training in muscle chains are presented, along with examples. The stress situation, risk of injury, loss of performance, and training methodological approaches to single-leg support phases are extensively discussed. Various muscle chains such as medial, lateral, or ventral are shown, and practical-methodical exercises are demonstrated.

Development of Core Strength
In this part of the unit, special attention is given to the concept of intermittent training and how it can be implemented in practice. Additionally, intermittent training also addresses the performance range.

Dynamic Core and Supportive Strength Training
In the last part of this unit, participants learn theoretical and anatomical basics of core and supportive strength training, and the functioning of the muscles is discussed. Furthermore, numerous examples of eccentric training are provided.

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Functional movement analysis

Every chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Due to dysfunctions, asymmetries, and restrictions in the range of motion, many people suffer from complaints in the passive and/or active musculoskeletal system, increasing the risk of injury or premature wear and tear.

In the unit on functional movement analysis, participants learn why everyday routines, poor training, or previous injuries affect mobility, stability, and connective tissue. With the Functional Movement Screen (FMS), participants learn a tool to uncover existing deficits, correct them, and protect clients from injuries and overuse in the long term. The Functional Movement Screen encompasses fundamental movement patterns, motor control within movement patterns, and the execution of basic, non-sport-specific movements. This movement test assesses mobility and stability in the ankle, knee, hip, shoulder joints, and spine, as well as neuromuscular control. The FMS includes 7 fundamental movement patterns that allow for the detection of weaknesses, imbalances, asymmetries, and limitations.

In the practical part, the FMS is finally performed and evaluated by everyone. This process not only uncovers potential deficits but also allows participants to train their eye by mutually assessing each other. Finally, based on the test results, it is important to identify weaknesses, identify corrective patterns, and integrate them into a targeted training cycle.

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Functional core and support strengthening

The trunk muscles essentially have two tasks. On the one hand, they protect the body against external forces, and on the other hand, they are the center of strength development and transmission for the extremities.

We all need trunk strength for an upright posture and for everyday activities. For athletes pushing their physical limits, the trunk is a stable support corset that delivers power to the extremities and plays a crucial role in injury prevention.

In the unit on Functional Core and Stability Training, participants learn why isolated training of the abdominal muscles does not provide significant benefits, but rather a combination of many muscles is responsible for a stable core.

Unfortunately, many people lack the necessary trunk stability and control, which can lead to problems in daily life and sports. Many recreational athletes are affected by this, mistakenly believing they have good trunk stability. However, the central nervous system plays a significant role in a stable core through coordinated activation of the trunk muscles.

In the practical part, a test battery for assessing trunk strength is presented, and the methodical exercise progression from beginner to sport-specific trunk strength training is conducted.

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HIT training and training programs

Health and fitness are increasingly a matter of time. Many people abandon their training shortly after starting or never begin at all, using lack of time as an excuse.

However, consistency in training is important!

Therefore, High-Intensity Training (HIT) offers a solution to the time problem. Participants learn what HIT training is and where it is primarily applied.

HIT originated in bodybuilding and is a training method to effectively train muscles with greatly reduced time investment. One basic principle is very slow movement execution with a special emphasis on the eccentric phase, often done in only 1 to a maximum of 2 sets.

In this unit, HIT training is compared with other training methods, and the advantages and disadvantages in terms of execution, muscle building, and strength gain are explained. Additionally, participants learn how to structure HIT for different target groups and are introduced to additional intensity techniques to optimize the training stimulus for well-trained individuals.

In the practical part, participants plan a high-intensity training session and take on the role of both trainer, practicing guidance, motivation, and correction, and athlete, gaining personal experience with high-intensity training. This unit introduces participants to another specialized training method to introduce new stimuli and how to implement them in practice with various target groups.

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Plyometrics und Agility

The unit Plyometrics and Agility focuses on specific training forms aimed at improving the explosive power, reactive power, and agility of athletes. Every athlete can benefit from these methods. These training methods are particularly important in athletics, team sports, martial arts, and skiing. The most famous example is plyometric training using the Plyo-Box named after this training form. However, there are also various options for training reactive power in the upper body.

This training form is based on the Stretch-Shortening Cycle (SSC) of the muscle-tendon apparatus. It takes advantage of the stretch reflex and the associated stored energy to generate more force when actively activating the muscle-tendon complex.

Since not only muscles but also tendons and ligaments are stressed, they can also be strengthened, thereby minimizing the risk of injury. However, the top priority of these training methods lies in improving the performance of athletes.

Participants learn the exact processes of an SSC and the structural requirements for a well-functioning SSC. They are provided with a wide range of exercises with methodical structure to increase reactive power and agility.

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Our Quality Feature - State Certified

Training Certification

The Basic Module Sports Competence has been approved under the following number by the State Central Office for Distance Learning (ZFU): 7324018c. The ZFU is the central office for distance learning in Germany and operates on the basis of the Distance Learning Protection Act (FernUSG). It decides nationwide on the approval of distance learning courses to guarantee a technically correct and overall professional distance learning course.

ZFU Seal

Institute Certification

As a recognized institution in adult education, our curricula are regularly evaluated and recognized by state institutions and funding bodies. We are constantly striving to exceed current quality standards to guarantee you the best possible training. See for yourself our certifications.

Funding & educational leave - how it works

Can I get funding for my training?

There are a variety of funding options for training courses at the Flexyfit Sports Academy. State-specific and EU funding as well as tax-related options form the basis for this.

However, we would like to point out that the respective funding body is solely responsible for deciding on the allocation or amount of funding.

We will be happy to help you find a suitable funding body and compile all the course information you need for a funding application. You must submit the application itself to the funding body.

You can find an overview of the most important funding bodies here.

How does the funding work?

Depending on the funding institution, the training costs are either paid directly after the funding application has been confirmed (e.g. AMS) or reimbursed in full or in part after successful completion of the training (e.g. waff). Please contact the funding institutions yourself to find out how the funding works.

Can I take educational leave for the course?

Yes, the majority of our courses are suitable for educational leave.

If you want to continue your education without terminating your employment, you can arrange educational leave with your employer. This means you will be released from work for the duration of your training.

Plan your educational leave with us now! We will be happy to clarify your individual training requirements with you in a personal, non-binding consultation.

How does educational leave work?

You can take your educational leave for a maximum of 1 year within 4 years - there are 3 options:

  • Educational leave spread over 12 months
  • Educational leave split up, but each part must last at least 2 months. The parts must be taken within 4 years.
  • Educational leave with part-time educational leave spread over 2 years

It is important that your employer agrees to you taking educational leave. You must provide evidence of the training plans issued by us to the extent of 20 hours per week in the case of full-time educational leave, or at least 10 hours in the case of part-time educational leave.

You must regularly provide evidence of the progress of your training. For example, in the form of examinations or confirmation of attendance, which you will receive from us.

Career - what comes next

What does a Functional Trainer do?

In functional training, classic strength training equipment is largely avoided. Training often involves using ones own body weight, sometimes on unstable surfaces. However, the use of functional small equipment such as kettlebells, battle ropes, etc. is highly emphasized. Mobility, stability, and speed are key focuses in functional training.

As a Functional Trainer, you teach clients the correct execution of exercises using functional small equipment. Particularly with kettlebells, incorrect handling can pose a significant risk of injury, so correct execution must be emphasized. Progression of exercises without equipment is also a topic for Functional Trainers. What exercise variations can be chosen if clients have difficulty with an exercise or find it too easy? Additionally, a trainer creates training plans for their clients. One advantage of functional training is that multiple muscle groups are trained simultaneously. This allows for faster and more effective training sessions, but also carries the potential to overload clients. Therefore, a good training plan is essential.

Where do Functional Trainers work?

With a Functional Training diploma, you can, for example, work in a sports club, both for injury prevention and for athletic support during preparation and throughout the season.

You can also conduct personal training sessions and group courses. However, if your aim is to work in a gym or train your clients in traditional strength training, our Fitness & Personal Trainer courses are the better choice for you!

Another option is to train individual athletes to achieve new heights through targeted strength training.

How does Flexyfit help me with job hunting?

On our platform Sportkarriere, we regularly list job postings from fitness studios. There, you can directly apply for jobs as a fitness trainer, branch manager, instructor, or studio employee.


Will I receive credit if I have already completed a course?

If you have already completed a course with us and are interested in another training program, the Sport Competence module will be credited to you in terms of content.

As part of a university degree program, we may occasionally recognize individual subjects. For example, if you have completed a course in the medical field, anatomy and physiology subjects can usually be credited. For qualifications from other adult education providers (e.g., Online Trainer License, Vital Academy, etc.), we need to individually assess whether credit is possible.

How does installment payment work?

Our training programs can be conveniently paid in installments, without any additional costs! Our team is happy to assist you in creating a payment plan.

When do I need to pay for my booked course?

After booking, you will have immediate access to your academy account and all learning materials. You have 14 days to withdraw without giving any reason, without incurring any costs. The (first) invoice will be sent to you by email approximately 3 weeks after registration.

Functional Trainer - Become an Expert in Kettlebell, Wildrope & More

What Does "Functional Training" Actually Mean?

In functional training, unlike traditional strength training, individual muscles arent isolated; instead, multiple muscle groups are engaged to train the entire body as a unit. The goals are to develop movement patterns relevant to daily life, enhance performance with sport-specific exercises, and train the injury resistance of the musculoskeletal system.

What to Expect in Our Program?

Functional training mostly avoids traditional strength training equipment. Instead, emphasis is placed on exercising with bodyweight, often on unstable surfaces. However, the use of functional equipment such as kettlebells, battle ropes, etc., is highly valued. Mobility, stability, and speed are important focuses in functional training.

Participation Requirements

  • Online or written registration
  • Basic physical fitness (Experience in machine training or gym membership is advantageous)
  • Minimum age of 18 years (For participants under 18 years of age, written parental consent is required for registration)

Certificate of Completion

Our certificates are internationally recognized and are issued in various formats. You can receive our certificate in multiple languages (DE, EN, ES), with country-specific information, and with or without grading.

All these options are available for online download free of charge. Additionally, depending on the learning package youve chosen, youll receive a certificate of your choice printed on special paper with embossed printing.

The following certificate (in multiple languages DE, EN, ES) is awarded:

Austrian Flag Swiss Flag Italian Flag
"Dipl. Functional Strength Master Trainer"

German Flag Lichtenstein Flag Swedish Flag
"Functional Strength Master Trainer A-Lizenz"

Have Specific Questions about the Program?

Were pleased to assist you via contact by phone, email, or chat. You might also find the answer to your question in our general FAQ or Functional Master Trainer FAQ.

Structure & Duration - This is how your training is organized

The training consists of two modules

You can find the list of modules and subjects by clicking on the "Curriculum" tab.

Duration of the training

Since our trainings can be highly flexible, the duration of the training heavily depends on your own learning initiative, weekly time commitment, and existing knowledge. Depending on how much time you can invest and how quickly you absorb the required knowledge, its possible to complete the training more quickly.

You set the pace in online distance courses

Learn at your own pace, whenever and wherever you want. The academy account accompanies you on computer, tablet, or smartphone and includes everything you need for the training.

You decide how to learn

You have access to a variety of full HD instructional videos in which our top lecturers impart the training content to you. Additionally, you can review the content in our scripts and presentations.

Video lessons with certified instructors

Our distance courses prepare you optimally for implementation in practice. The included discussions with experts also offer you the opportunity to exchange ideas with our subject matter experts and deepen topics.

No pain, no gain (or certificate)

On your way to certification, you will work through various mandatory and additional tasks. These may include keeping a training log or filming exercises to put what youve learned into practice.

Last but not least... Examinations

There are plenty of multiple-choice online exams to assess your knowledge level. Before each exam, you can take a practice test to be optimally prepared. Additionally, there is a practical final exam. Just like the distance learning motto, this can be taken online via video call!


Detailed Course Contents

Extent of learning

762 E | Volume



Sports expertise



eLearning | Presence



Literature research



Practical realization



Additional tasks & examinations

This training is suitable for educational leave. The individual examination and approval are subject to the respective funding agency. For more information about the duration & process of educational leave, please feel free to contact us directly!

Module Fitness Fundamentals Module


We educate the best trainers in the fitness branch. From start to finish of the education - and beyond!- we support and guide our students.

Functional anatomy is a foundation necessary for all trainers in exercise, fitness and sports. This subject provides a comprehensive introduction to the anatomy of the human body and a wellspring of important knowledge.

The course is constructed to present the information in an interesting and comprehensible manner and features different learning approaches appropriate for Fitness and Personal Trainers.
The goal is, to understand the relationship between movement patterns, the human body and relevant anatomical terminology.

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Basic Nutrition
Our participants are introduced to the basics of sports nutrition.

As a foundation the composition of general nutrition including macro and micro nutrients, as well as the water balance, are discussed. In order to understand various correlations, the energy metabolism are explained in detail.

In addition, the effects of individual food components in the human body, as well as their importance in sports are covered.
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Intro to Corporate Wellness Programs

More and more companies are integrating Corporate Wellness and similar health initiatives into their employee benefits packages. By doing so they promote the health and well-being of their employees, reducing the incidence of sick-leave and building healthier, stronger team dynamics.

Exactly why such initiatives are important is discussed in this introduction to the concept, as well as challenges that such initiatives face including organisational dysfunction.

Participants also learn about the advantages of corporate wellness and some trusted approaches and tools for finding and working with a company.

We offer suggestions on how to approach companies about Corporate Wellness, how to develop a corporate wellness concept and important organisational points to consider.
Participants will be exposed to some practical examples and will have the possiblity to perform group work on the topic.

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Marketing & Customer Interaction

The unit on Marketing and Customer Interaction gives participants some insight into identifying, working with and marketing to their ideal customer. This is one of the most useful units for the aspiring trainer, as it helps them identify their place in the market, which makes for a more successful career start.

We begin by taking a look at Marketing itself to understand exactly what it is and of what relevance it has for personal trainers.
Important basic concepts such as USP, positioning, target market, etc. are introduced and different models from marketing such as the SMART Formula, marketing mix (7Ps) and more are explained.

The communication between trainer and client is also addressed in this unit. Various aspects of communication theory and some guidelines for successful communication are covered.

Upon completion of this subject, participants are able to develop marketing strategies for their product and/or services, ready to position themselves in a market rich in variety and full of possibility!

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A working understanding of human physiology and therefore the relationships between the various functions of the human body is crucial for anyone working in the exercise and fitness field. It is a requisite knowledge for the sufficient practice of their profession.

This course makes the relationships within the human organism graspable for everyone. Take a deep-dive into the human body and learn the functions of our organism for your new profession in fitness.

In this subject you will get a close look at energy metabolism needed for muscle activation, the circulatory system and the pulmonary system.

Any high quality education in fitness and exercise begins with the foundations of anatomy and physiology.

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Sports Psychology - Communication & Motivation

In this unit participants are prepared for successful communication with their clients on every level. In addition, we take a look at how the trainer or coach can go about dealing with their own goals and motives, which will in turn help them better understand their clients.

The right goal-setting and the proper approach to feedback are an important parts of this unit.

The way we manage stress as trainers and with our clients and a variety of learning strategies are explored so these skills can be integrated into your professional approach.


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Sports Injuries
Since injuries are a daily occurrence in sports, it is important to know about the causes and consequences of the most common injuries. In case of an emergency the personal trainer must be able to react quickly and correctly.

In addition, the understanding of various injury patterns helps to be able to avoid them from happening.
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Training Theory Basics

In this introduction to training theory we look at the foundations of training plan creation and management, including the principles of training, training methodology and factors that influence sports performance.
Because performance capacity, performance diagnostics, training and competition are so interrelated, they are covered together in this unit.

The second half of this unit Im zweiten Teil der Trainingslehre wird das Training als komplexer Handlungsprozess und im Zusammenhang mit Planung, Ausführung und Evaluation definiert und bewertet.
Ein wichtiger Teil der Trainingslehre ist nach wie vor die Trainingsplangestaltung, die mit Beispielen über die Möglichkeiten einer Trainingsplangestaltung praktisch vermittelt werden.

Um das Thema der Trainingswissenschaft zu vertiefen, laden wir regelmäßig internationale Top-Dozenten wie Univ. Prof. Dr. Paul Haber und Prof.em. Dr.phil. Dr. hc Jürgen Weineck zu uns in die Academy ein.

Unter anderem sind sie für die Bücher "Optimales Training" (Jürgen Weineck) und "Leistungsphysiologie" (Paul Haber) in der Trainingswissenschaft bekannt.

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Module Certified Functional Strength Master Trainer

Bodyweight Training

The unit Bodyweight Training is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part.

In the theoretical part, participants learn about core stability and spinal alignment, in order to practice and convey the correct, health-promoting, and joint-friendly posture in practice.

The importance of the spine and correct posture is highlighted in this context, with emphasis on the consequences that can arise from incorrect spinal alignment.

Furthermore, participants learn about the movement patterns of the arms and legs, including specialized terms such as flexion, extension, and others. Guidance on how to communicate such movement patterns with clients is also provided.

The practical part of this unit consists of exercises for the core, legs, and upper body. This includes exercises such as the Dead Bug, squats, lunges, pull-ups, and push-ups. For all these exercises, particular attention is paid to the starting position, correct execution, and variations, with tips and safety instructions provided for each.

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Introduction to Weightlifting

The unit Introduction to Olympic Weightlifting is divided into a theoretical and a practical part.

In the theoretical part, participants learn about the individual disciplines (Snatch and Clean and Jerk) of Olympic weightlifting and conduct a detailed competition analysis. This includes not only competition regulations and training and competition equipment but also the analysis and detailed examination of the complex movement sequences in the Clean and Jerk (Jerking) and Snatch (Snatching). These explosively powerful movements are broken down into individual movement phases, and the working of different muscles is examined to understand the physically and coordinatively demanding sequence. Subsequently, participants learn about the methodical exercise setup from the overhead squat to the Snatch or from the front squat to the Clean and Jerk.

In the practical part, warming up begins with a focus on specific flexibility and activation of the fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are essential for Olympic weightlifting. After a perfect warm-up, the goal is to slowly learn the basics of the technique of Cleans and Jerks through some preliminary exercises. Finally, a video analysis of exercise execution is conducted, assessing the force curve and addressing common mistakes in Snatching and Jerking.

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Eccentric Strength Training

The unit on eccentric strength training is highly practical-oriented. In a short introductory theoretical part, we discuss the eccentric functioning of muscles and their characteristics or differences compared to concentric and isometric functioning. Eccentric training can be conducted in various ways depending on the training goal. For example, specifically slowly performed eccentric phases in strength exercises in bodybuilding, aimed at increasing muscle mass, are very popular (see HIT-Training unit). However, eccentric training is also used to improve explosive strength, in injury prevention, and in the rehabilitation of tendon injuries.

In this unit, however, eccentric maximal strength training takes center stage. This is a specific training method with supramaximal loads (>1 repetition maximum) for very advanced athletes. Since fewer motor units are involved in an eccentric contraction (due to the passive resistance of the cross-bridges), more mechanical load is placed on the activated motor units in an eccentric contraction.

As a result, eccentric training can generate up to 1.3 times more tension than concentric training, thus providing a higher stimulus to muscle fibers. Eccentric strength training is therefore one of the best methods for increasing strength levels in elite athletes.

In the practical part, the main focus is on eccentric training in basic exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses, with the implementation explained and practiced in detail. Additionally, instructions are provided on how to specifically prepare and gradually introduce an athlete to eccentric maximal strength training.
Thus, our graduates are familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of eccentric strength training and, most importantly, how and with which target groups it can be effectively used.


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Functional Equipment Training

In Functional Training, there is a wide variety of equipment that can be used in a very versatile manner. The choice of equipment is fundamentally based on the clients goals. Therefore, in this unit, participants learn about a large part of the functional equipment and various exercises associated with it, aiming to quickly guide the client to their goal and to implement the right measures through a solid understanding of the equipment.

Ultimate Sandbag
Ultimate Sandbags have many advantages, which will be demonstrated to the participants. They will also be shown the weight and size basics of the Ultimate Sandbag.
Furthermore, participants will learn basic exercises such as Single Leg Deadlifts, Swinging Lunges, Halos, Squat to Push Press, and many more, with indications of the main sources of errors and variations. To enhance understanding, the exercises are supplemented with images.

Wild/Battle Rope
Wild or Battle Ropes have a very wide range of applications, and the training with them has many benefits, which will be demonstrated in this unit.
Basic exercises like Circle, Double Gun, Waves, Flys, Flying 8, etc., with indications of potential sources of errors and variations, will be learned and illustrated with images.

Slam Ball
In Functional Training, the Slam Ball is also a popular piece of equipment due to its many practical advantages.
Participants will gain knowledge about basic exercises such as Squat Throw, Russian Twists, and Low Swinging Throw. In this context, sources of errors and variations will be highlighted.

Suspension Trainer
Participants will also learn basic exercises using the popular Suspension Trainer, both with evenly clipped resistance cables and with unbalanced resistance. These exercises include High Rows, Chest Press, Squats, Sit-Ups, Crab Walks, Slap Shots, and others. Sources of errors, variations, and options for increasing the difficulty of the exercise will be discussed.

The benefits of training with the Equalizer and basic exercises will be covered in this unit. Basic exercises include Knee Lifts or Single Knee Lifts, the L-Sit, Single Leg Lunges, and many others. These will also be presented with variations and main sources of errors, supplemented with images.


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Functional Mobility

Functional Mobility forms the basis for moving freely and unhindered, as well as the foundation for functional strength.

In the Functional Mobility unit, participants learn about the differences between traditional flexibility training and functional mobility training and how these can be combined and applied to benefit clients. Our body must be viewed as a three-dimensional system in which everything is interconnected. We adopt this holistic approach in Functional Mobility Training. This means that in mobility, far more factors than just muscle flexibility are crucial. Body awareness, or the entire sensorimotor system, also plays a significant role in movement quality.

In the practical part, various static and dynamic stretching methods, fascia training, and mobility exercises are introduced and performed. The main focus is on the correct approach and practical application of fascia training techniques. Another focus is the dynamic stretching method PNF stretching, which improves both flexibility and strength in the end ranges of motion.

Overall, participants gain the ability to improve movement range and movement quality through various measures and incorporate them into movement patterns in the long term.

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Functional strength exercises

In this unit, participants first receive a theoretical introduction to functional strength training and learn what is meant by functional strength.

They learn about the equipment commonly used in functional training and basic movement patterns such as pulling, pushing, lifting, etc. The interdisciplinary nature of functional training is highlighted, along with how to correctly assess maximal strength. The importance of knowing these concepts is also explained. The most important exercises are then explained individually.

Bench Press
At the outset, participants identify which muscles do the majority of the work and which stabilizers are involved in bench pressing. They learn the technique, correct grip, and in this context, the term "Suicide grip," as well as the proper positioning of elbows, shoulders, upper back, and foot placement. Attention is also given to breathing. Additionally, the concept of Touch and Go Reps and Assistance Work in relation to bench pressing, along with its variations, is explained.

In rowing, the primary movers, i.e., the muscles doing the main work, and the stabilizers are introduced, and the correct execution of the movement, including notes on grip width, is illustrated. Variations of rowing are also discussed.

The introduction to deadlifts covers the mechanical basics such as stability and load. The hip and knee extensors, as well as muscles contributing to the stabilization of the spine and shoulder blades, are discussed and depicted. The starting position and other important aspects before the lift-off are explained. The movement execution is discussed in detail, with common errors highlighted, along with explanations on how to avoid them. Participants compare the heaviest deadlifts and learn about deadlift variations and assistance work.


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Functional training basics and rules

Introduction to this topic begins with a general definition of what functional training means, what qualifies as "functional," and what distinguishes this type of training. The various movement planes as well as muscles, fascia, and chains are explained. The unit is then divided into Sensory-Motor Training, Strength Training, Functional Strength Training, and Dynamic Core and Supportive Strength Training.

Sensory-Motor Training
Participants learn what sensory-motor training is and receive an explanation of local stabilizers and global muscle structures. There is also a muscle classification. The goals of sensory-motor training are explained, and the training intensity of such training is determined. After this unit, participants should be familiar with the terms closed and open kinematic chains.

Strength Training
An explanation of what strength training is as a means of increasing basic strength and its goals is provided. Particularly, the term ROM and the training principles of ROM training, as well as its importance for various tissues, joints, cartilage structures, and muscles, are given special attention in this part of the unit. Additionally, participants learn about load norms and improving flexibility through strength training.

Functional Strength Training
Fundamentals and principles of training in muscle chains are presented, along with examples. The stress situation, risk of injury, loss of performance, and training methodological approaches to single-leg support phases are extensively discussed. Various muscle chains such as medial, lateral, or ventral are shown, and practical-methodical exercises are demonstrated.

Development of Core Strength
In this part of the unit, special attention is given to the concept of intermittent training and how it can be implemented in practice. Additionally, intermittent training also addresses the performance range.

Dynamic Core and Supportive Strength Training
In the last part of this unit, participants learn theoretical and anatomical basics of core and supportive strength training, and the functioning of the muscles is discussed. Furthermore, numerous examples of eccentric training are provided.

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Functional movement analysis

Every chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Due to dysfunctions, asymmetries, and restrictions in the range of motion, many people suffer from complaints in the passive and/or active musculoskeletal system, increasing the risk of injury or premature wear and tear.

In the unit on functional movement analysis, participants learn why everyday routines, poor training, or previous injuries affect mobility, stability, and connective tissue. With the Functional Movement Screen (FMS), participants learn a tool to uncover existing deficits, correct them, and protect clients from injuries and overuse in the long term. The Functional Movement Screen encompasses fundamental movement patterns, motor control within movement patterns, and the execution of basic, non-sport-specific movements. This movement test assesses mobility and stability in the ankle, knee, hip, shoulder joints, and spine, as well as neuromuscular control. The FMS includes 7 fundamental movement patterns that allow for the detection of weaknesses, imbalances, asymmetries, and limitations.

In the practical part, the FMS is finally performed and evaluated by everyone. This process not only uncovers potential deficits but also allows participants to train their eye by mutually assessing each other. Finally, based on the test results, it is important to identify weaknesses, identify corrective patterns, and integrate them into a targeted training cycle.

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Functional core and support strengthening

The trunk muscles essentially have two tasks. On the one hand, they protect the body against external forces, and on the other hand, they are the center of strength development and transmission for the extremities.

We all need trunk strength for an upright posture and for everyday activities. For athletes pushing their physical limits, the trunk is a stable support corset that delivers power to the extremities and plays a crucial role in injury prevention.

In the unit on Functional Core and Stability Training, participants learn why isolated training of the abdominal muscles does not provide significant benefits, but rather a combination of many muscles is responsible for a stable core.

Unfortunately, many people lack the necessary trunk stability and control, which can lead to problems in daily life and sports. Many recreational athletes are affected by this, mistakenly believing they have good trunk stability. However, the central nervous system plays a significant role in a stable core through coordinated activation of the trunk muscles.

In the practical part, a test battery for assessing trunk strength is presented, and the methodical exercise progression from beginner to sport-specific trunk strength training is conducted.

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HIT training and training programs

Health and fitness are increasingly a matter of time. Many people abandon their training shortly after starting or never begin at all, using lack of time as an excuse.

However, consistency in training is important!

Therefore, High-Intensity Training (HIT) offers a solution to the time problem. Participants learn what HIT training is and where it is primarily applied.

HIT originated in bodybuilding and is a training method to effectively train muscles with greatly reduced time investment. One basic principle is very slow movement execution with a special emphasis on the eccentric phase, often done in only 1 to a maximum of 2 sets.

In this unit, HIT training is compared with other training methods, and the advantages and disadvantages in terms of execution, muscle building, and strength gain are explained. Additionally, participants learn how to structure HIT for different target groups and are introduced to additional intensity techniques to optimize the training stimulus for well-trained individuals.

In the practical part, participants plan a high-intensity training session and take on the role of both trainer, practicing guidance, motivation, and correction, and athlete, gaining personal experience with high-intensity training. This unit introduces participants to another specialized training method to introduce new stimuli and how to implement them in practice with various target groups.

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Plyometrics und Agility

The unit Plyometrics and Agility focuses on specific training forms aimed at improving the explosive power, reactive power, and agility of athletes. Every athlete can benefit from these methods. These training methods are particularly important in athletics, team sports, martial arts, and skiing. The most famous example is plyometric training using the Plyo-Box named after this training form. However, there are also various options for training reactive power in the upper body.

This training form is based on the Stretch-Shortening Cycle (SSC) of the muscle-tendon apparatus. It takes advantage of the stretch reflex and the associated stored energy to generate more force when actively activating the muscle-tendon complex.

Since not only muscles but also tendons and ligaments are stressed, they can also be strengthened, thereby minimizing the risk of injury. However, the top priority of these training methods lies in improving the performance of athletes.

Participants learn the exact processes of an SSC and the structural requirements for a well-functioning SSC. They are provided with a wide range of exercises with methodical structure to increase reactive power and agility.

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Our Quality Feature - State Certified

Training Certification

The Basic Module Sports Competence has been approved under the following number by the State Central Office for Distance Learning (ZFU): 7324018c. The ZFU is the central office for distance learning in Germany and operates on the basis of the Distance Learning Protection Act (FernUSG). It decides nationwide on the approval of distance learning courses to guarantee a technically correct and overall professional distance learning course.

ZFU Seal

Institute Certification

As a recognized institution in adult education, our curricula are regularly evaluated and recognized by state institutions and funding bodies. We are constantly striving to exceed current quality standards to guarantee you the best possible training. See for yourself our certifications.

Funding & educational leave - how it works

Can I get funding for my training?

There are a variety of funding options for training courses at the Flexyfit Sports Academy. State-specific and EU funding as well as tax-related options form the basis for this.

However, we would like to point out that the respective funding body is solely responsible for deciding on the allocation or amount of funding.

We will be happy to help you find a suitable funding body and compile all the course information you need for a funding application. You must submit the application itself to the funding body.

You can find an overview of the most important funding bodies here.

How does the funding work?

Depending on the funding institution, the training costs are either paid directly after the funding application has been confirmed (e.g. AMS) or reimbursed in full or in part after successful completion of the training (e.g. waff). Please contact the funding institutions yourself to find out how the funding works.

Can I take educational leave for the course?

Yes, the majority of our courses are suitable for educational leave.

If you want to continue your education without terminating your employment, you can arrange educational leave with your employer. This means you will be released from work for the duration of your training.

Plan your educational leave with us now! We will be happy to clarify your individual training requirements with you in a personal, non-binding consultation.

How does educational leave work?

You can take your educational leave for a maximum of 1 year within 4 years - there are 3 options:

  • Educational leave spread over 12 months
  • Educational leave split up, but each part must last at least 2 months. The parts must be taken within 4 years.
  • Educational leave with part-time educational leave spread over 2 years

It is important that your employer agrees to you taking educational leave. You must provide evidence of the training plans issued by us to the extent of 20 hours per week in the case of full-time educational leave, or at least 10 hours in the case of part-time educational leave.

You must regularly provide evidence of the progress of your training. For example, in the form of examinations or confirmation of attendance, which you will receive from us.

Career - what comes next

What does a Functional Trainer do?

In functional training, classic strength training equipment is largely avoided. Training often involves using ones own body weight, sometimes on unstable surfaces. However, the use of functional small equipment such as kettlebells, battle ropes, etc. is highly emphasized. Mobility, stability, and speed are key focuses in functional training.

As a Functional Trainer, you teach clients the correct execution of exercises using functional small equipment. Particularly with kettlebells, incorrect handling can pose a significant risk of injury, so correct execution must be emphasized. Progression of exercises without equipment is also a topic for Functional Trainers. What exercise variations can be chosen if clients have difficulty with an exercise or find it too easy? Additionally, a trainer creates training plans for their clients. One advantage of functional training is that multiple muscle groups are trained simultaneously. This allows for faster and more effective training sessions, but also carries the potential to overload clients. Therefore, a good training plan is essential.

Where do Functional Trainers work?

With a Functional Training diploma, you can, for example, work in a sports club, both for injury prevention and for athletic support during preparation and throughout the season.

You can also conduct personal training sessions and group courses. However, if your aim is to work in a gym or train your clients in traditional strength training, our Fitness & Personal Trainer courses are the better choice for you!

Another option is to train individual athletes to achieve new heights through targeted strength training.

How does Flexyfit help me with job hunting?

On our platform Sportkarriere, we regularly list job postings from fitness studios. There, you can directly apply for jobs as a fitness trainer, branch manager, instructor, or studio employee.


Will I receive credit if I have already completed a course?

If you have already completed a course with us and are interested in another training program, the Sport Competence module will be credited to you in terms of content.

As part of a university degree program, we may occasionally recognize individual subjects. For example, if you have completed a course in the medical field, anatomy and physiology subjects can usually be credited. For qualifications from other adult education providers (e.g., Online Trainer License, Vital Academy, etc.), we need to individually assess whether credit is possible.

How does installment payment work?

Our training programs can be conveniently paid in installments, without any additional costs! Our team is happy to assist you in creating a payment plan.

When do I need to pay for my booked course?

After booking, you will have immediate access to your academy account and all learning materials. You have 14 days to withdraw without giving any reason, without incurring any costs. The (first) invoice will be sent to you by email approximately 3 weeks after registration.

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Available course variations

Certified Functional Strength Master Trainer


Language of Instruction

Fitness Fundamentals

Fitness basics (presence)

Course Module

Fitness Fundamentals Full HD Video Lessons

Specialist module Full HD learning videos Functioanltrainer

Course Module Full HD Video Lessons

Learning Type / Learning Method

Course Modality

Study Method

Auditory & Visual Learning Style

Communicative & Kinesthetic Learning Style

Study Timeframe

Study Support (# all-inclusive)

Text & Presentation PDFs

Lectures Bookable as Classroom Units

Support via Online Campus, E-mail, Chat, Tel.

WhatsApp & On-site Support

Test/Dummy Exam

Bonus Modules

NADA Austria

Altitude Training - Prof. Dr. Weineck


Fitness Fundamentals Theory Exams Online

Final Exam

Certificate in DE, EN or ES

Certificate accepted worldwide & never expires

Academy Account (# all-inclusive)

Lifetime Access to Online Campus

Free Demo Account / Trial Package

Certificate Copy as Downloadable PDF

Certificate with Verification via QR-Code

Financial Aid

Financial Aid/Grant Opportunities

Paid Educational Leave (AT)

Grants for Businesses

Grants for Self-Employed Persons

Course Advising

Cost Estimate for Financial Aid Provider


Job Openings Mailing List

Comprehensive Training Opportunities

Absolute Best Price & Service Offer


Online Courses

€ 1.790,-


optionally bookable

online + expert discussion









flexible date

up to 100%



Classroom Courses

€ 2.490,-
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optionally bookable

classroom course group





well suited

well suited

flexible + dates


flexible date

up to 100%




€ 2.990,-



private lessons









up to 100%


Basic information on the learning variants:

  • The training content is the same for each learning variant
  • The examination period, duration of training and examination procedure are independent of the learning variant
  • You can upgrade from distance learning to face-to-face or individual tuition. Individual module blocks can also be booked
  • With the "face-to-face course" learning option, you can book and complete individual blocks in private lessons
  • The final certificate does not differ, regardless of which learning variant you have completed the course in
  • Your Academy account and the learning content will stay with you for the rest of your life
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Auf Vollzeit-Berufstätige wird besonders Rücksicht genommen. Die Aufbereitung der Lernunterlagen (in der Kombination Buchform, Folien und Videos) ist großartig. Ein wirklich tolles Team, sympathische und professionelle Vortragende, insgesamt ein top Ausbildungsinstitut, das ich jedem nur sehr weiterempfehlen kann. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Interessanter und sehr umfangreicher Kursplan, kompetente Betreuung, sehr nettes Team, ganz einfach TOP und jederzeit gerne wieder.
Schnelle Antwort auf alle Fragen.
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Sehr gute Unterstützung durch dem Personal, sowohl telefonisch als auch per Mail. Besonderen Dank an Sarah
Ganz tolles Angebot und Service... jederzeit gerne wieder.
Schnelle unkomplizierte Anmeldung. Ratenzahlung perfekt und man kann sich das lerntempo selbst anpassen
Sportkompetenz + Fitnesstrainer B-Lizenz sind ein sehr umfangreicher Kurs, in dem jede Menge Wissen vermittelt wird, welches dem aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Stand entspricht. Man bekommt einen Gegenwert für sein Geld. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem Maschinentraining. Neben bekannten Übungen, werden auch interessante Spezialübungen gezeigt. Was ich etwas vermisst habe sind klassische Hantelübungen (z.B. Kurzhantelüberzüge, Kreuzhebevarianten, Kniebeugen, Bankdrücken, Stirndrücken, SZ-Bizepscurls,... usw.), welche meiner Meinung nach insbesondere für Anfänger etwas besser geeignet sind als einige der gezeigten Kabelzugübungen. Was leider ebenfalls zu kurz kommt, sind Übungen für die Bauchmuskulatur. Hier bitte nachbessern. Auf Nachrichten wird sehr schnell reagiert. Für das Fachgespräch habe ich innerhalb von 24 Stunden einen Termin bekommen. Ich werde auf jeden Fall weitere Kurse machen. Alles in allem kann ich den Kurs sehr empfehlen.
Alles 👍
Alles ist gut vorbereitet, die Kurse, die Mitarbeiter, perfekt.
Die begleitung in eure Welt war sehr klar und deutig. Die mitarbeitarin hat mich von anfang an begleitet mit telefonate wo sie an alle meine fragen ein antwort gefunden hat. Und auch bei umstellund des Gutschein kauf haben mich die mitarbeiter sofort geholfen
Aufbau, Unterlagen und Videos sind top, wenn man etwas benötigt reagieren sie schnell.
Super Team, kompetent, geduldig und immer freundlich
Kompetente Auskunft, gute Organisation super Kursangebot
Tolle Academy
Klasse Ausbildung, qualifiziertes Personal, guter Service
Die Module sind sehr lehrreich gestaltet. Zudem sind die Videos sehr gut dargestellt und verständlich.
Vielseitiges Kurs- und Ausbildungsangebot in dem auch verschiedene Richtungen kombiniert werden. Ganz toll!

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